Deaf 101

This is a horizontal black & white image with photographs of seven individuals one next to each other. In the middle of the image, there is a sentence that reads as " Deaf people are not all the same"

This module is designed to provide participants with resources to increase their awareness of the ethnic and cultural diversity within the deaf community; and that there is not “one” deaf community but rather many. This module examines identity and intersectionality among deaf people from lived experiences of deaf people. This module is designed for anyone who wants to engage with deaf people. It provides participants with fundamental knowledge of identity and intersectionality as well as some tools to engage with deaf people.

Deaf 101 is designed for ASL 101 students, instructors of deaf students, professionals with deaf coworkers, or managers of deaf employees. Deaf 101 is for anyone looking for information on what being deaf means and how to interact with deaf people.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Give examples of shared and individual experiences of deaf people
  • Describe examples of deaf people with multiple identities and related experiences
  • Identify strategies to cultivate positive relationships with deaf people.

This module is pre-approved for 1 NDC Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Clock Hour and 1 CRCC Clock Hour.

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