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Look no further, NDC is here to help you support deaf students!

Accommodations 101

There is no one-size-fits-all accommodation to meet the diverse needs of deaf students. Accommodations are provided by a school, employer, or other institution to ensure deaf people are able to fully access all the experiences and activities offered.

Laws & Compliance

In addition to the ADA, sound policies and procedures can support deaf individuals with an equal opportunity to access a wide-range of opportunities and can reduce barriers in postsecondary environments.

Online Learning Modules

Earn professional development clock hours by completing one of our modules or facilitated courses. View real stories shared by deaf people across the country, discuss concerns and challenges with others, and learn from national experts.

Specialty Certificate: Accessibility Practices Certificate for Deaf Students

Unlock new opportunities to improve the experiences of deaf students on your campus in NDC’s comprehensive online learning experience. This specialty certificate is specifically tailored to Disability Services Professionals who are seeking to strengthen their knowledge and skills in working with deaf students.

Supporting Deaf College Students: Perspectives From Disability Services Professionals

We asked detailed questions to Disability Services Professionals about the support deaf students receive in college and added new questions about how these services connect with students’ identities. Their perspectives help to enrich the understanding of barriers on campus that deaf students may experience and help identify areas of needed improvement.

Making Online Learning Accessible for Deaf Students

Accommodations that deaf students had for a face-to-face classroom may not be effective in an online course. Even accommodations used for one online course may need to be adjusted for another course. The communication preferences of deaf students often change across different settings and contexts. It is critical that disability service professionals consider these diverse backgrounds when coordinating access for online courses—for example, approximately 50% of deaf students have additional disabilities. It is crucial to have an ongoing dialogue with students about auxiliary aids and services that support learning and communication for their online courses.

Community Engagement & Discussion

Look no further, NDC is here to help you support your students.

Community Forum

NDC has recently launched a new community forum—just for Disability Service Professionals! You can connect with other DS professionals, share your thoughts and ideas, and ask questions.

Interested in a One-on-One Consultation?

NDC provides live, no-cost interactive opportunities to meet with the NDC team that are designed to support the creation of accessible environments and opportunities for deaf people. We are ready to connect with you!

A white person with long brown hair and a bipoc with a brown afro hair looking at the same spot.

The Importance of Student Feedback

In the vibrant tapestry of higher education, every student’s journey is unique. Deaf college students face distinct challenges and opportunities, and their experiences are a vital source of insight for educators and institutions. Actively collecting feedback will not only acknowledge the uniqueness of each student but also validate their experiences and perspectives.

Deaf college students are integral members of the broader campus community. When students have a platform to share their experiences and suggest improvements, institutions can proactively work towards creating an inclusive environment where all students thrive.

Tips for Disability Service Professionals

There are many ways to support your students as a disability services professional. Check out this video for some advice and tips, and click the link below for more!

Understanding What it Means to be Deaf

Every deaf student is different—there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

This is a rectangular image showing a screenshot of Deaf Postsecondary Data from the American Community Survey 2021. The screenshot displays three tabs: National Level, State Level, and Occupational Fields. The National Level tab is currently active, as indicated by being highlighted. The image shows data represented in a bar chart format, with bars representing different categories or variables. Additionally, there is textual data displayed below the bar chart, providing further information related to the postsecondary data of deaf individuals at the national level."

Deaf Demographics: Data Dashboard

In 2021, 1.9% of people in the United States are deaf – learn more about the educational and employment experiences of deaf people by exploring our new interactive data dashboard! National and state level data are available. 

This image has black and white images of seven people from different ethnicity and nationality. On the image, there is the text " Deaf people are not all the same.

Deaf Awareness

Deaf people are a highly diverse population with a wide range of communication preferences, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and additional disabilities that shape their interactions with their environment. Learn more about deaf people and the complexity of the deaf experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a large vector image of NDC - National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes & the logo is on the left side of the image.

Who are we?

We are a technical assistance and dissemination center funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), focused on sharing information, networks, and strategies to improve continuing education and training for deaf people.

Need Help?

Fill out this form to get help from the NDC team.  Can’t see the form below? Click here to contact the NDC team.