Advanced Practices: Evaluating & Managing Services Using Data Facilitated Course

A curly brown haired person in a white turtleneck sweater looking confused looking at a paper. There is also a laptop on the table.

Advanced Practices in Coordinating Deaf Services: Managing & Evaluating Accommodations Using Data is a facilitated course that aimed at strengthening accommodation practices by utilizing data-driven decision-making with students. This course introduces an iterative model for making accommodation decisions and evaluating their effectiveness with students. Beginning with the interactive process and cycling through collecting feedback, this process will help ensure students are receiving access services fitting their needs. Through the course, participants will analyze their current practices, assess their existing processes, and devise a strategy to implement sustainable improvements. The course is designed with experienced providers in mind, and encourages an evidence-based approach to monitor and adjust accommodations in a manner that prioritizes the student’s experience.


  • A minimum of 1 year experience working with deaf/deafblind/deaf-disabled/hard-of-hearing/late-deafened students.
  • Completion of Foundations modules: Deaf 101, Attitudes & Biases as Barriers for Deaf People, Transforming Systems to Achieve Equity for Deaf People, Discovering Systems Barriers and Legal Frameworks & Responsibilities for Accessibility
  • Completion of Content modules: Accommodations 101, Coordinating Services for Deaf Students, Speech to Text 101, Assistive Listening Devices & Systems, Intro to Remote Accessibility Services, Captioned Media 101, Designing Accessible Online Experiences for Deaf People, Test Equity for Deaf Students and Supporting Accessible Learning Environments & Instruction for Deaf Students

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills needed to:

  1. Provide examples of system components that inhibit equity for deaf people in postsecondary education and training settings.
  2. Identify transformational practices that can improve accommodations processes for deaf students
  3. Implement an iterative accommodations model to monitor effectiveness of  accommodations and services for deaf students

PD Info

This course is approved for 15 NDC Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Clock Hours


Badge Info

Badge Title: Evaluating and Managing Accommodations Using Data

Badge Type: Accessibility Practices – Coordinating Deaf Services

Course Category: Facilitated Courses
CRC Clock Hours: 15

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