Course Categories: Facilitated Courses

NDC offers a variety of free online learning opportunities to support the postsecondary success of deaf students. Earn professional development clock hours by completing one of our modules or dig deeper and enroll in one of our facilitated courses. Individuals who take classes with NDC | learn will be able to view real stories shared by deaf people across the country, discuss concerns and challenges with others, and learn from national experts. Information on all of our current courses is available on our Canvas Catalog.

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CRC Clock Hours - slider
A curly brown haired person in a white turtleneck sweater looking confused looking at a paper. There is also a laptop on the table.
PD Clock Hours: 15
Strengthen accommodations practices by utilizing data-driven decision-making with deaf students. Analyze current practices, assess existing...
Group of diverse people in colorful clothes checking planners with a calendar in background.
PD Clock Hours: 15
Improving Campus Access is a facilitated course that provides basic knowledge and the tools necessary...
rainbow silhouettes of mulitple people facing in all directions with conversation bubbles above them
PD Clock Hours: 15
Decisions are made for and on behalf of deaf people without involving them every day....

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National Deaf Center