Hosting Community Conversations Facilitated Course

rainbow silhouettes of mulitple people facing in all directions with conversation bubbles above them

Building relationships within your community takes time and intentional effort. That’s why dialogue is key to building a strong and inclusive community that serves all its members. Hosting community conversations is a critical component of strengthening community connections and building systemic change.

Successful community engagement is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Creating a positive impact in deaf communities requires knowledge and skills to facilitate conversations, invest in and strengthen relationships, and develop action plans that prioritize and centralize deaf people’s needs.

In Hosting Community Conversations, you will learn community-centered practices and leadership skills to make intentional and meaningful systemic change — from local grassroots initiatives to institutional transformation while partnering with deaf communities.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to:

  • Identify and develop goals and strategies for conversations with key individuals within their local community
  • Identify key players for the planning team to host community conversations
  • Design potential action items and build in accountability
  • Examine strategies to strengthen authentic relationships and resource sharing to enhance and support changes in their community

Course Facilitators

This course will be facilitated by NDC staff and/or in partnership with seasoned professionals in the field.

Anticipated Time to Complete Course

This facilitated course will require a 15-hour commitment over four weeks. Engagement will be primarily asynchronous, and there will be two (2) 2-hour Zoom meetings scheduled for the second and third weeks.

*Sign language interpreters and CART will be provided for each meeting. To request additional accommodations, please email [email protected].


Please express your interest by signing up for our waiting list. We will contact you when we are ready to begin a new cohort.


To enter the next cohort, you must complete the following prerequisite modules before the beginning of the course:

Professional Development

This course is approved for 15 NDC Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Clock Hours.

Course Category: Facilitated Courses
CRC Clock Hours: 15

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