Jenna Beacom


Content Writer

A person in a blue floral shirt and black jacket wearing a glasses smiling in front of a tree.

Jenna Beacom is a writer, editor, and deaf media critic who advocates for authentic representation and narrative plenitude. There are so many deaf stories, and so many talented deaf creatives ready to tell our stories. Currently, she is a content writer for the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, helping to create resources that pave the way for #deafsuccess. Jenna has a Bachelor’s in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Master’s in Deaf Education from the University of Minnesota. She has decades of experience advocating for the deaf community, including grant-writing, leadership, and many varieties of writing words that inform and inspire.

Other NDC Staff Members

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Jana Mauldin

Sarah Brown

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