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Sometimes as deaf people we experience discrimination. This can really impact us especially in college environments. Discrimination doesn’t always look the same, and it can happen in different ways. Here are some examples of discrimination:…
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Topics: Signbites
I’m a Deaf college student. That means taking care of my mental health is really important. Discrimination, access issues, and school work all impacted my mental health. I want to show you five self-care methods that I like….
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Topics: Signbites
How important is it for me and young deaf people to find role models and mentors? It is very important….
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Barriers. Really, I would say exposure is a barrier. I feel like not many people of color know that interpreting is a profession. When I was acquiring sign language, I had no idea I could become an interpreter. Most people…
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I recently attended a workshop where an interpreter mentioned three types of people in our profession. I don’t recall the other two, but queer was one of them. And it’s true, of course, depending on the city you’re in, there…
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Topics: Signbites
Our disabilities and struggles vary in all aspects. Just as the deaf experience is not a singular one, our experiences with autism are just as diverse….
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Topics: Signbites
I accepted an internship in Washington, DC, with Senator Tom Harkin. It was while they were writing the ADA, so it was a very exciting time….
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High school is a time where deaf people, deaf young people specifically start building their hopes and dreams for their future. It’s where they identify their goals and work towards what they want to become….
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Topics: Signbites
I had told DSS, the DSS office ahead of time to prepare Zoom for Deaf people. And in the future when we return to physical classes, I always want to mention that you’ve got to caution your Deaf professors and…
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Topics: Signbites
When I come up against lack of access, such as no closed captions, I say something. Before, I was shy. I wouldn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bother anyone. But I was missing out on what was happening….
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Topics: Signbites
There have been deaf community activist, movements and protests, all over the country, encouraging deaf people of all identities to work together, collaborating for systemic change, pressing those in power to pay attention to us….
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Topics: Signbites
I would like to take this last opportunity to give you some advice about equity. For example, there are two deaf people who are on the same path and maybe they have the same level of intelligence….
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Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Signbites

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