The More You Know: Stories from Deaf Students

Mar 28, 2022

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Natasha, a West Indies female with brown wavy hair and brown eyes sits in front of a wall decorated with flowers and a wooden sign with stylized text “family beside us.”


Right before the pandemic for my first degree, graphic design, I was attending classes and I was the only Deaf person in a sea of hearing people with an interpreter, of course. And I did have a bad experience that I’ll just touch upon briefly. I had a professor ask me why do you have an interpreter here?  I responded, because I’m Deaf. And the professor said “well, no, I consider it cheating.” That was a big impact on me.

I persisted and despite my persistence I got a bad grade. I completed all my assignments on time, and I got a bad grade. I complained to the DSS office, and they said that they thought that the interpreter was answering for me so I dropped that class. That was a horrific experience. And I decided to find the same class with a different professor. I waited until the following fall and I had a new professor and I had a better experience.

Video Description:

A teal circle animates on a white background. Banners appear with text: The More You Know, Stories from Deaf Students

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Subtitles available in English

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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