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This brief summarizes the research related to effective communication between deaf and hearing individuals….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Research
Useful For: Employers
Topics: Research & Data, Deaf 101
I was mainstreamed throughout my primary education and through high school. I went to a special public high school that focuses on the arts. I majored in dance. It was a small high school, which was a perfect fit for…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
I think it is important to meet and take some time out to learn about each individual person‘s needs because the deaf community is a wide spectrum of people with needs that are different….
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Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
For deaf and hard of hearing people and other people who have communication disabilities equal access means access to effective communication. The ADA requires that covered entities must provide auxiliary aids and services when needed to ensure effective communication with…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101, Legal Overview Videos
The number one rule is don’t throw something at the deaf person. Not a shoe, not a pencil, not a quarter. Don’t throw anything at them; it’s usually kind of insulting….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
There are three federal laws that work together to protect the rights of children and adults with disabilities in education, employment, and the community….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101, Legal Overview Videos
So I wish that my friends understood that with deaf people… deafness is a spectrum. It’s not just one definition….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
“I worked in the oil field just to earn a living and survive. After doing that work for three years, I was *done* and ready to become a police officer. I had wanted to be a cop as long as…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101, #DeafSuccess
“I work in family education and also work as a performing artist and university professor. I’m Deaf, a person of color, and a woman. My struggle’s been real. I’ve overcome many things, scaled many barriers.”…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101, #DeafSuccess
I love music! I have to have the volume turned up so I can feel the bass. For me, when I wear my hearing aid, I can hear the lyrics for the most part, but I prefer to hear the…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
Me for example, I don’t have the fluency in English to read lips well, but pretty much most Deaf people can read lips at least a little bit. It’s not easy, but with a lot of time and practice they…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101
Some can speak and some don’t. As I mentioned earlier, it is going to depend on the person’s lifestyle. Some deaf people don’t really have vocal capability but will try their best to speak….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: Deaf 101

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