Speech to Text Services: An Overview of Real-Time Captioning

This is an image where it's mentioned as "CC" in white color and has a grey background.

PEPNet developed this online training to provide a general overview of speech-to-text services. You can learn more about various types of speech-to-text services, delivery options, and how to access the appropriateness of the service for individual students. Interviews with students have been included to allow viewers to hear directly from those utilizing the service. Also included are clips of the same lecture captioned with both meaning-for-meaning and verbatim services; so that viewers can compare the these methods.

The training is divided into four segments to make the download time faster. The four segments should be viewed in order and all together, as they make up one complete training. They are not intended to be viewed independently.

The information contained in the training is beneficial for service providers, coordinators and postsecondary administrators. While the information provided is in-depth, it is provided in a clear and easy to understand format. Extensive technical knowledge or understanding about speech-to-text services is not necessary to benefit from the training.

Once you have viewed the online training please contact PEPNet if you have additional questions about speech-to-text services.

There are six segments available with this training overview which includes an example of CART and C-Print. Each of the first four videos provide you the ability to turn on/off the captions via the CC icon on the video toolbar.

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