2023 College Equity Virtual Conference: Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Belonging for Deaf Students

Event Date: October 17, 2023
This image shows a group of three people looking at a laptop screen. There is a laptop on the table a male person appears to be browsing something on the laptop, while the other female sitting next to him while taking notes on a notepad. There is another female who appears to be standing behind them and looking at the laptop screen.

NDC’s 2023 College Equity Virtual Conference provides an opportunity for disability services and other college professionals to learn best practices, acquire new knowledge and resources, and connect with colleagues in the field on providing accessible, equitable, and inclusive college experiences for deaf students.

This year’s theme is “College Equity Conference: Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Belonging for Deaf Students.

This conference aims to help you:

  • List educational risks factors for deaf students due to systemic barriers within the college.
  • Identify gaps within your systems that impact deaf students.
  • Recognize barriers in current policies or procedures and implement change.
  • Assess the campus’ readiness to support deaf students accessing a holistic college experience.
  • Describe evidence-based practices that support equitable experiences for deaf students.

There is no cost to attend this event, it is open to the public, including disability services professionals, admins, counselors, service providers, and faculty. We have also targeted institutions that serve any number of deaf students or are preparing to.

We hope you will find this conference informative, engaging, and enlightening. Thank you for joining us, and let’s work together to make college accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all deaf students.

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