Hawaii Student Success Institute

Event Date: March 1, 2019
This image is taken from below pointing to the sky. This sky is blue. There are some trees.

Disability Services Professional’s Guide to Deaf Services, Tia Ivanko & Lauren Kinast; March 1, 2019

Presentation Summary: This presentation will introduce a series of resources, “a toolkit”, for disability service providers to draw from as they navigate accommodations and auxiliary services for deaf students. Presenters will guide participants through standard practices and offer a framework for both novice and experienced providers to add to professional repertoire.

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This is an image of Tia Ivanko. The image shows her smiling at the camera. she has curly hair and brown eyes.

Tia Ivanko, MA, NIC, ADAC

Tia Ivanko, M.S.,NIC, ADAC is an educator passionate about addressing inequities in education for deaf learners. She is committed to improving systems and increasing the...
A long glassed haired dirty blond person in a black shirt and blazer and colorful earrings smiling

Lore Kinast, EdD

Dr. Lore Kinast is a change agent working to address accessibility barriers that deaf students face in higher education settings. Her interest in education and...

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