New Live Panel: Behind the Scenes of Deafverse

Event Date: November 23, 2021
This image looks like a poster with "Deaf Verse - World Two " mentioned on the top. In the middle, it is mentioned as " REVENGE OF THE DEEP" & on the bottom of the page its mentioned as " DEAFVERSE: MEET THE TEAM PANEL, TUESDAY OCTOBER 26 AT 2:00 PM CDT". There are also images of the panel members. On the left are the image of " CARLISLE ROBINSON - PANELIST", "JUSTIN PEREZ- PANELIST" & KENT TURNER- MODERATOR". While on the right side there are images of " BRIT MACIAS - PANELIST" & WILLIAM ALBRIGHT- PANELIST"
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This is an image of a man named William Albright. He is standing leaning backward on a tree. He is wearing a thick fleece jacket and also has eyeglass. He has thick curly hair.

William Albright

William Albright believes that the point of life is to live without unnecessary struggle. With a software development background, William uses computers to solve problems...
A bald haired person in a blue buttoned up shirt and white polka dots smiling.

Kent Turner

A game designer who aims to level up self-advocacy skills for deaf youth.

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