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Historically, decisions impacting communities, especially communities with marginalized identities, are not part of the decision-making dialog. Relevant, useful, and sustainable programming must be centered on the needs and experiences of community members….
Useful For: Administrators
One of many barriers to successful postsecondary outcomes for deaf people is the impact of negative attitudes and biases. Deaf people encounter negative attitudes and biases across many settings. This, along with “the historical trend of low expectations” have served…
Useful For: Administrators
Deaf people are not all the same. While some deaf people may have similar or shared experiences, deaf people are a highly diverse population. This module introduces experiences of deaf people by deaf people, discusses the concept of intersectionality, and…
Useful For: New Users
Due to the increasing number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), professionals who work with deaf students should expand their capacity to support autistic deaf students, especially in transition planning and postsecondary settings…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Guides
Useful For: Disability Services Professionals
Topics: Deaf 101, Mental Health & Well-Being, Research & Data
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of veterans returning home with combat-related hearing loss and tinnitus. Deaf veterans may need accommodations and support to be successful in college and the work environment….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Research
Useful For: Administrators
Topics: Deaf 101, Legal/Policy, Other Access Topics, Research & Data
Institutions frequently face a variety of challenges with providing accessible environments for deaf students. One common challenge is the semester-to-semester changes in the number of registered deaf students and service provider availability….
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Guides
Useful For: Disability Services Professionals
Topics: DSP Toolkit
The interactive process engages deaf people and disability services professionals in a collaborative discussion regarding the impact of deafness and any necessary accommodations to mitigate barriers in the environment. This process follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines set…
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Type: Resources
Useful For: Administrators
Topics: Legal/Policy
The overall goal of the Building State Capacity Summit series was to promote successful outcomes for students leaving high school, whether they go on to postsecondary education, a training program, or employment. Young adults who are deaf face barriers to…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Guides, Research
Useful For: Administrators
Topics: Other Access Topics, Research & Data

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