Diego Ozuna-Clark

Strategic Support Coordinator

A short black haired person in glasses and green button up shirt smiling.

Diego Ozuna-Clark is dedicated to fostering community engagement. In their role as Strategic Support Coordinator, Diego focuses on community initiatives designed to unite people and enhance networks within local communities, ultimately facilitating improved access, services, and resources for deaf communities. Diego specializes in providing trainings and creating conversations that focus on building meaningful relationships, creating effective action plans, and promoting personal and collective growth. Through these activities, Diego aims to empower people to strengthen their connections and contribute to the overall development of both themselves and their communities. Holding a bachelor’s degree in history from The University of Texas at Austin, Diego applies a historian’s lens of learning, inquiry, and curiosity in everything they do.

Other NDC Staff Members

William Albright

Lore Kinast, EdD

Tia Ivanko, MA, NIC, ADAC

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