Tanya’s Story: Extended Time for Testing

Oct 19, 2020

[Subtitles available in English & Spanish | Subtítulos disponibles en español y inglés]

Video description: https://tinyurl.com/yykshbcf

Text insert appears: Tanya’s Story, Extended Time for Testing. A white brown-haired woman speaks.
Extended time on testing, on my tests. For the extended time, since there were only six of us in class, a lot of the students were able to finish the tests within 35 minutes or between 35 to 45 minutes. So after the last student leaves, the instructor would actually give me time and a half of the last person that left, not the time and a half of the class. The class itself would be three hours. So I would only get, maybe …Okay, the last student finished in 30 minutes. Time and a half would be 15 minutes. So I was only able to — I had to finish the test with less than an hour. And with my condition, with my vision, and my hearing, but not so much my hearing with the test, it was more for my vision, I would skip pages, not on purpose, accidentally, miss the whole paragraph, and it was just a lot of stress because the teacher would be like “Okay, you only have 10 minutes left. Okay the last person left, “time and a half is 15 minutes. Okay, time’s up!” And I’m like “Wait, I’m trying to finish!” So that was the bad part about the extended time at that university.
Video Description:
NDC Logo appears above text, black lettering on a white background: nationaldeafcenter.org
“This video was developed under a jointly-funded grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) #HD326D160001. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the federal government.”
Next to it, three logos appear. The first reads “IDEAs that Work” with an arrow drawing a circle from “IDEAs” to “Work” and the words “U.S. Office of Special Education Programs”. The second logo shows a red-and-blue star with text next to it that reads “TA&D”. The third logo shows a blue circle around a tree. In the blue circle are the words “U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.”

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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