Nai’s Story: Accommodations

Sep 30, 2020

Video Description:


Text, Accommodations, Nai Damato. Nai signs.



I remember at one meeting, for example, sitting with a group of teachers. The student was in the room, off to the side, while teachers were discussing accommodation needs for that blind student. The teacher said the student wanted a computer to allow them to listen to their lessons, because the student didn’t like braille.

I went ahead and consulted directly with the student on what they preferred. The student said that they preferred braille. The teachers had assumed incorrectly, and neglected to even ask the student.

This is why it’s very important that the team, whether it includes a teacher of the deaf or the blind, to center the student’s needs and preferences. Then the team provides the support to accommodate them.



Nai nods. Text, National Deaf Center dot org.

© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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