Christopher’s Story: Test Accommodations

Sep 28, 2020

[Subtitles available in English & Spanish | Subtítulos disponibles en español y inglés]

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Video Description:
Text insert appears: Chris’ Story, Test Accommodations. A white man signs.
Based on my testing experience, sometimes I would get nervous and I would look forward to finishing the test.
When I sit down to take a test, sometimes my brain would shut down. I have to stop to allow my mind to clear up and take my time to finish the test. Sometimes the test has a time limit, and I try not to look at the time because I don’t want to end up worrying. I need to take my time to read each question thoroughly to make sure I catch any tricky questions.
Based on my overall testing experience, I get anxious when taking a test and I hate it when I finish the test and I have to wait for the results, but I think that’s a natural feeling.For written tests, some subjects require that, such as, history or architecture. I do write based on my knowledge because of my use of architectural terminology.
To make sure that all my answers make sense in English, it’s important to clearly write your points. I would give the test to the professor. The professor knows what has been learned in class and knows what you’ve learned from them. If something is written on the test that has nothing to do with the subject, then maybe there is something I haven’t captured or don’t fully understand. It’s important to write on the test in a way that shows that I have learned from class.
There are several options for using test accommodations. Having extended time is nice because you have time to write and double-check and proofread to make sure everything was clear. Because my first language is ASL and English is my second language, having extended time helps you to read and understand and make sure that you have the correct spelling.
If you don’t understand something on the test, you can ask your professor to explain through an interpreter to make sure you understand the question before writing down an answer.
During high school when I took tests, I would ask the teacher if I could sit in a private room because other students would quickly complete their test and then file out of the classroom, which was distracting. So I preferred to sit in a private room where I could focus better with extended time.
Video Description:
NDC Logo appears above text, black lettering on a white background:
“This video was developed under a jointly-funded grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) #HD326D160001. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the federal government.”
Next to it, three logos appear. The first reads “IDEAs that Work” with an arrow drawing a circle from “IDEAs” to “Work” and the words “U.S. Office of Special Education Programs”. The second logo shows a red-and-blue star with text next to it that reads “TA&D”. The third logo shows a blue circle around a tree. In the blue circle are the words “U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.”

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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