Resources for Deaf Students

Published on September 15, 2023

group of people sitting at a table indoors and smiling in front of a tablet on the table.

Deaf students face barriers and challenges daily as a result of barriers within systems. The impact is that 23% of deaf youth aged 16-24 aren’t in school or working. NDC is committed to changing that by partnering with entities providing information and resources to help improve systems.

New Resource Portal for Students

Our Student Resource Portal is a one-stop shop for information to share with students about accommodations, self-advocacy, deaf awareness, and more.

Current deaf high school students can visit our portal for step-by-step guides and tools to help them navigate the vocational rehabilitation (VR) process and learn how to advocate for the future they want. They can test their self-advocacy skills with real-world scenarios in our #ChooseYourFuture role-playing game, Deafverse.

Current deaf college students can use our portal to learn about specific accommodations they can request for tests, particular courses, and classroom settings. They can also find resources on navigating the complaints process if they have encountered challenges in receiving accommodations.

At NDC, knowing your rights is the first step to becoming a better self-advocate. That’s why we provide stories from successful deaf professionals in various professions to inspire and guide deaf youth. Additionally, our Help Team ([email protected]) is always ready to assist anyone needing additional support and resources.

More From NDC

We also offer different information, strategies, and networks for educators, disability services professionals, state agencies, and families.

Invite Your Colleagues!

Don’t forget to share the news about NDC’s upcoming virtual College Equity Conference on Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Belonging for Deaf Students from October 17-19. Registration is free and open to the public. Find out more here

Follow us on our social media at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find tips from deaf students on navigating life after high school. 

Share our internship opportunities with your students here. 

As always, contact [email protected] with any questions you may have. 

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Useful For: Students, Disability Services Professionals

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Need Help?

Fill out this form to get help from the NDC team.  Can’t see the form below? Click here to contact the NDC team.