Find Us This Summer!

Published on May 28, 2024

NDC's Summer 2024 Conference Schedule

Get ready for an exciting summer! The National Deaf Center (NDC) will be attending several important conferences—and presenting, as well—and we are thrilled to share the details with you. If you will also be attending these events, we encourage you to stop by our booths or attend our sessions to learn more about our work. Here’s where you can find us:

NISOD Conference: May 25-28, 2024

NDC was thrilled to present at the 2024 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Conference, which took place from May 25th-28th in Austin, Texas. This event gathered educators, administrators, and staff to explore innovative strategies and best practices in higher education. As we shared insights and engaged with attendees, we were excited to contribute to discussions on fostering inclusive environments and promoting access and equity for all students.

  • Considering BIAS When Working With Deaf Students: This breakout session, guided by Tia Ivanko, Latoya Dixon, and Malibu Barron, invited participants to examine the impact of attitudes and biases on deaf students’ inclusion and belonging on campus. Participants learned about existing barriers, explored the lived experiences of deaf people, and strategized ways to manage personal biases. By the end of the session,  participants had a better understanding of key components for fostering inclusion and belonging for deaf students. 

PTI Conference: June 4-7, 2024

NDC is excited to be attending the 2024 Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI) Collaborative on Postsecondary Education and Disability Conference. This event will take place from June 4th to 7th in Portland, Maine, and we can’t wait to connect with you there! Our staff will be presenting on important topics that support students who are deaf in higher education. Don’t miss it!

  • Introduction to Speech-to-Text Services (STTS) (June 5th, 2:45-3:45p): Come join us as Tia Ivanko and Kate Lewandowski delves into the growing need for speech-to-text services. This session will provide information and resources to help disability services offices explore and provide effective services for deaf students. Participants will learn speech-to-text types, discuss ASR technology, and discuss essential considerations for implementation. NDC’s most frequently asked STTS questions will be answered; don’t miss out!
  • Deaf Students’ Self Report Poster Session (June 4th, 7:30-9p): Deaf students often encounter barriers when requesting accommodations. In this poster, Kate Lewandowski and Latoya Dixon will emphasize the importance of prioritizing deaf students’ self-reports and provide a new framework for the interactive process. 
  • Accommodations 101 (June 6th, 1:30-2:30p): Kate Lewandowski and Latoya Dixon will host a session to review FAQs about accommodations for deaf students and share information about classroom and campus accessibility. Participants will leave with tangible tips for cultivating an inclusive environment for deaf students in postsecondary education.
  • DPAIS Poster Session (June 4th, 7:30-9p): Pre-pandemic, deaf students rated college accessibility experiences as sub par. Then, the pandemic increased accessibility challenges. This poster session, led by Tia Ivanko, shares recent student data showing some improvements from student perspectives on accessibility.
  • Interpreter Shortage (June 6th, 4-5p): Colleges and universities nationwide are experiencing difficulties fulfilling interpreting requests. NDC has been working with postsecondary institutions to explore the issue and its impacts. In this session, Tia Ivanko and Kate Lewandowski will share insights and strategies to support institutions and access for deaf students.

IPSE Conference: June 5-6, 2024

NDC is also eagerly anticipating the Inclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) Regional Alliances Convening, a pivotal event hosted by Think College and 4 Corners Alliances. Set to unfold on June 5th to 6th in New Mexico, this gathering promises insightful discussions and collaborative efforts toward creating more inclusive educational spaces.

  • Accommodations 101 (June 6th, 8:30-10a): This session, led by Lore Kinast, will cover the basics of accommodations, how to request them, and best practices for supporting deaf and disabled students in various educational settings.
  • Equity-Mindset when Creating Inclusive Environments for Deaf & Disabled Students (June 5th, 10:15-11:15a): In this session, Lore Kinast and Malibu Barron will focus on fostering inclusive educational environments that embrace diversity and promote equity for all students.

AMPHL Conference: June 20-23, 2024

Next up is the 2024 Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses (AMPHL) Conference. Join us from June 20th to 23rd in Chicago, Illinois! This year’s theme is “Driving Authentic Representation in Healthcare.” NDC will be there, sharing insights on how to improve access and representation for deaf individuals in the medical field. We look forward to seeing you and engaging in meaningful discussions.

  • Advocating for Your Rights: Navigating Access & Complaints in Healthcare Education (June 20, 4:15-5:45p): This presentation will guide participants on how to advocate for their rights in medical education settings. Kate Lewandowski will cover the laws that protect your rights, how to request accommodations, and what to do if your rights are not being met. We look forward to seeing you and engaging in meaningful discussions.

RIT/NTID Best Practices for Mainstream Teachers: June 21-23, 2024

We are also excited to be part of the RIT/NTID Best Practices for Mainstream Teachers 2024 Conference. This conference will be held from June 21st to 23rd in Rochester, New York. This event focuses on sharing the best practices for teachers working with deaf and hard-of-hearing students in mainstream classrooms. Karla Giese will present strategies and resources to support teachers and enhance learning experiences for deaf students in transition. We hope to see you there!

57th Biennial NAD Conference: July 1-6, 2024

NDC is proud to attend the 57th Biennial National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference. This conference will take place from July 1st to 6th in Chicago, Illinois. It is a great opportunity to join the deaf community and discuss key issues, celebrate achievements, and plan for the future. Our team will be available at our booth to share information and resources on critical topics that impact the lives of deaf individuals—come and find us!

  • Level Up Your Classroom with Educational Gaming!: If deaf teenagers make their own choices, advocate for themselves, set goals, and solve problems–then success awaits them after graduating high school. But how can teachers support the growth of these critical transition skills in deaf youth? In this workshop, Dr. Carrie Lou Bloom and Zane Fleming will equip participants with the strategies and resources they need to incorporate educational gaming in their classes. Participants in this session will learn about the strategies teachers are using to teach Deafverse in their classrooms, the resources NDC has ready to support classroom instruction, and engage in interactive discussions on how educational gaming can be leveraged further to align with current transition practices and curricula.
  • Deaf Youth Transitioning from Education to Employment Meet-up (July 4th, 2:45-4p): If you are a job placement, career services, transition, employment, or vocational rehabilitation counselor, join us for an engaging session to address the transition between education to employment for deaf youth (age 16-24). Drawing on insights and data, Lore Kinast will delve into the multiple barriers deaf youth encounter during their job search, including accommodation challenges, employer biases, underdeveloped interview skills and resumes, and navigating the application process. This collaborative meet-up is for professionals to connect, share resources, and develop strategies to support deaf youth entering the workforce. Let’s work together to improve employment outcomes!
  • Transformative Shifts: Creating Spaces For YOU (Deaf Youths) To Lead Meet-up (July 5th, 1-2:15p): This meet-up is designed to support creating meaningful shifts for YOU (Deaf Youths from 18 to 30 years old) to challenge the status quo and emerge as leaders. This one-hour session, led by Malibu Barron will provide a space for transformative change that is focused on fostering empowerment and leadership skills, facilitated by the National Deaf Center’s Deaf Youth Fellows (DYF). This initiative seeks to equip Deaf Youths with the tools, opportunities, and knowledge by engaging and making an impact and influence others as change agents. 

AHEAD Conference: July 15-20, 2024

Finally, we are thrilled to attend the 2024 Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)’s Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education Conference. This conference will be held from July 15th to 20th in Baltimore, Maryland. Our team is eager to present and discuss ways to enhance access and equity in higher education for deaf students. Make sure to join us for this important event!

  • Strategy Spotlights (July 18th, 11:30-12:30p): Promising Practices in Serving Deaf Students: In this session, Tia Ivanko will spotlight innovative approaches from colleges who have partnered with NDC to improve accessibility, equity, and inclusion of deaf students on their campus. Following a series of  micro presentation spotlights, NDC staff will facilitate an audience Q&A segment to further inquire about implementation and navigating changes at showcased colleges.. 
  • Reframing the Interactive Process with Deaf Students (July 19th, 4-5:30p): In this session, Kate Lewandowski and Malibu Barron will explore how disability services professionals can adopt a trauma-informed and student-centered approach to the interactive process.  Participants will learn how they can ensure access and inclusion for deaf students that extends beyond the classroom while also promoting student belonging and affirmation for deaf students’ intersectional identities. 
  • Leveraging Campus Partnerships for Systems Change (July 17th, 3:30-5p): This session will cultivate an inclusive campus environment for deaf students. Tia Ivanko and Lore Kinast will emphasize the pivotal role of partnerships between disability services and various campus departments in driving systemic change and improving outcomes. Participants will explore how to leverage partnerships at their institutions. By the end of the sessions, participants will have ideas to actively promote shared responsibility for accessibility practices across all college experiences.
  • Advancing Equity for Deaf Students: Insights from Deaf Disability Services Professionals (July 19th, 8:30-10a): In this session, Kate Lewandowski and Malibu Barron will explore the multifaceted challenges of campus access for deaf students through a panel discussion of deaf disability services professionals. Highlighting the vital role of deaf staff in reducing microaggressions and affirming deaf students’ cultural identities, the discussion delves into the challenges deaf professionals face within the higher education system. Our diverse panel of deaf Disability Services (DS) professionals will discuss effective communication accommodations utilizing a deaf-centered approach that enhances institutional compliance. Additionally, this session will also address the attitudinal barriers and microaggressive trauma witnessed by deaf professionals within the system. By sharing their experiences, the panel provides actionable insights for disability services professionals towards fostering understanding and driving systemic change to enhance campus equity and support the nuanced needs of deaf students.
  • Equitable Access to Online Learning Courses for Deaf Students’ Presentation (July 19th, 11:30-12:30p): In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, online learning has become integral to education, offering unprecedented accessibility and flexibility. However, the pursuit of equitable opportunities for all, including deaf students, presents unique challenges. During this session, we will explore the experiences and needs of deaf students, emphasizing the vital role of inclusivity in online education. We will address the barriers they encounter and share effective strategies to overcome them. Expect engaging discussions, real-world insights, and practical solutions. Join Latoya Dixon and Karla Giese in fostering a more inclusive educational environment where every student can thrive.
  • Accommodations 101 (July 18th, 4:30-5:30p): Introduction to Deaf Services: Disability resource professionals are often confronted with challenging questions: ‘Why would a deaf student need speech-to-text services and interpreting services in the same course?’ ‘Are we obligated to provide the deaf student with their preferred interpreter?’ ‘How can notetaking be provided in an online course?’ For those who are new to this process, clear answers can be elusive. In this session, Latoya Dixon and Kate Lewandowski will unravel the complexities and address many of the frequently asked questions newcomers often have. NDC will share information about current legal frameworks, common classroom accommodations, and strategies for ensuring comprehensive campus access. Participants will gain access to timely and pertinent strategies, empowering them to cultivate an inclusive and equitable environment for deaf students in postsecondary education.
  • Access, Belonging, and Affirmation: Deaf Postsecondary Access & Inclusion Scale 2022-2023 (July 18th, 8:30-10a): Pre-pandemic, deaf students rated college accessibility experiences as sub par. Then, the pandemic increased accessibility challenges. In this session, Tia Ivanko and Jeffrey Palmer will share recent student data showing some improvements from student perspectives on accessibility.


We are looking forward to an inspiring and educational summer, and we hope to see you at these conferences. If you will be in attendance at any of these conferences and would like to meet up with our team in person, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Stay tuned for more updates and details on our upcoming events!

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Useful For: Administrators, Audiologists, Disability Services Professionals, Employers, Families, Interpreters, New Users, Speech-to-Text Provider, Students, Teachers, Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals

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