Improve Access Through Interpreting: New Resources from NDC

Published on April 6, 2021

This image shows a woman using sign language to interact. She appears to be on a stage and interacting with the audience.

 In this video, Michelle explains the benefits of interpreting services, and what makes an effective interpreter. Read the full video description.

Interpreting is one of the most common accommodations, used in a variety of settings such as schools, healthcare, workplaces, and many others to pave the way for effective communication between hearing and deaf people.

To help people understand the diversity of interpreting options and find the right interpreter for any setting, the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes has released several new resources for professionals, deaf students and their families, and anyone who needs to ease communication between deaf and hearing people.

“Interpreting services benefit all people in the given situation,” said Associate Director Tia Ivanko. “But, interpreters need the right skills, experience, and knowledge to be effective. In addition, interpreters should be a good cultural fit to better understand the deaf person and accurately convey meaning. NDC’s resources can help you find the right match and understand the role interpreters should fill.”

New Interpreting Topic Page

NDC has revamped its interpreting topic page to help people better understand how different types of interpreters may fit different situations, how to hire an interpreter, when and how to use remote interpreting services, and more. The updated page features a clean new layout, links to dozens of resources, and frequently asked questions about interpreting.

Learn about the types of interpreters available, strategies for coordinating interpreting services, and watch videos featuring stories from deaf people about their experiences with interpreting. There is also a list of relevant resources for those who want more detailed information on any given topic, and suggested courses from NDC’s online learning library.

Best Practices in Access Bundle

The new Best Practices in Access bundle features four important guides to help professionals and deaf students and their families better understand when and how to use a variety of interpreting services.

  • Hiring Qualified Interpreters helps professionals find and hire the right interpreter for any assignment. It discusses how to evaluate an interpreter’s qualifications, the importance of consistency, and ensuring the interpreter is a good fit with the deaf person.

  • Video Remote Interpreting covers the ins and outs of using a service that provides interpreters remotely. It explains when VRI should and should not be used, how to find a VRI service and more.

  • Deaf Interpreters goes into detail about the skills deaf interpreters have, the benefits of using a deaf interpreter, why a deaf interpreter should be considered for every scenario, and how deaf interpreters provide better access for a deaf person.

  • Interpreter Consistency explains how to ensure interpreting remains accurate and consistent throughout an assignment. It outlines the benefits of using a designated interpreter, the legal requirements surrounding consistent interpreting, and situations that most often need a designated interpreter.

More Resources from NDC

Need more information? NDC has hundreds of resources available on a variety of topics. Browse frequently asked questions from other stakeholders, or take a free, online course for professional development credits or just to learn more about deaf people.

For personalized questions or concerns, contact the NDC | help team.

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Tags: interpreters, interpreting

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