CART, C-Print, TypeWell: Your Guide to Effective Speech-to-Text Solutions Webinar

Event Date: April 11, 2024

Do you have questions about speech-to-text services or realtime captioning? We’ve got answers for you! Join us on April 11th from 1-2:15pm CT for a high-level webinar on all things speech-to-text services:

  • what it is (an auxiliary aid that provides communication access),
  • what it’s not (automatic speech recognition) and,
  • what are things you need to know as a postsecondary disability services professional to coordinate services effectively.


This session will provide an overview of the three different types of speech-to-text services; Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART), C-Print, and TypeWell. Participants will learn how to effectively integrate speech-to-text services in different types of classes, the qualifications of speech-to-text professionals, how to provide in-person and remote speech-to-text services, and some common FAQs. This webinar is a collaboration between the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes and Global Alliance of Speech-to-Text Captioning, and will feature essential information from experts in the field.

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