2021 OSEP Leadership Conference

Event Date: July 19, 2021
The image shows a group of people sitting in chairs. They appear to be indoors, possibly in an auditorium or at an event. The individuals are smiling and seem to be engaged in social interaction.

Poster Session: Pivoting in a Pandemic: Responsive Technical Assistance When Stakeholders Need it Most

Carrie Lou Garberoglio and Tia Ivanko

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Poster Session: Accessible Trainings and Engagements with Deaf Audiences

Lauren Kinast and Stephanie Zito

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This is an image of Carrie Lou. The image shows her smiling at the camera. she is formally dressed in black and is wearing eyeglass.

Carrie Lou Bloom, PhD

Visit Carrie Lou’s Google Scholar profile! As a deaf person who grew up in the deaf community, Dr. Carrie Lou Bloom’s professional expertise is steeped...
This is an image of Tia Ivanko. The image shows her smiling at the camera. she has curly hair and brown eyes.

Tia Ivanko, MA, NIC, ADAC

Tia Ivanko, M.S.,NIC, ADAC is an educator passionate about addressing inequities in education for deaf learners. She is committed to improving systems and increasing the...
A long glassed haired dirty blond person in a black shirt and blazer and colorful earrings smiling

Lore Kinast, EdD

Dr. Lore Kinast is a change agent working to address accessibility barriers that deaf students face in higher education settings. Her interest in education and...

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This image is of a screen capture from a video conference happening between seven people. They appear to be having a sign language conversation.

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This is a large rectangular image of A serene and solemn Memorial Chapel illuminated by soft lighting at night. The chapel stands tall with its architectural features visible, including arched windows and a prominent spire. The surrounding area appears calm and peaceful, creating a reflective atmosphere

National Association of the Deaf & National Deaf Education Conference

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This image shows a group of three people looking at a laptop screen. There is a laptop on the table a male person appears to be browsing something on the laptop, while the other female sitting next to him while taking notes on a notepad. There is another female who appears to be standing behind them and looking at the laptop screen.

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