Course Categories: Program Implementation

NDC offers a variety of free online learning opportunities to support the postsecondary success of deaf students. Earn professional development clock hours by completing one of our modules or dig deeper and enroll in one of our facilitated courses. Individuals who take classes with NDC | learn will be able to view real stories shared by deaf people across the country, discuss concerns and challenges with others, and learn from national experts. Information on all of our current courses is available on our Canvas Catalog.

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PD Clock Hours: 1
Deaf healthcare professionals are under-represented in the healthcare workforce, yet increasing in number over the...
This image is a screenshot from a video conference between four people. Out of the four people, the names of the three people are as follows, Diego, Mark Ramirez & Dominic Gordine. Below their image, there is a logo of NDC & below that the text " Mentoring Deaf Youth Leads to #DeafSuccess"
PD Clock Hours: 1
Mentoring opportunities offer valuable experiences that can be life-changing. Yet, the number of opportunities or...

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National Deaf Center