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How are ASL Requests Handled?

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Good afternoon, 

We are wondering how your ASL Booking Requests work for the following groups.

  • Faculty / staff
  • Students
  • Community Members

Do they all go through specific offices or is there one central place? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


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ASL requests, referring to requests for American Sign Language interpretation or content, are typically handled by providing services through qualified ASL interpreters or by creating content accessible in ASL. This may involve live interpretation for events, ASL video content for information dissemination, or using technology that translates written or spoken language into ASL for accessibility. Organizations or platforms handling such requests ensure compliance with accessibility standards and strive to meet the specific needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

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Until recently, we had one request form that anyone on campus could use to make requests other than semester-long, ongoing requests. While anyone could fill out the form, we encouraged staff in each department to make requests on behalf of students or visitors who alerted them to a need. Doing this alleviates a burden for the Deaf person requesting services. It is better for each department or event to have an accessibility statement and a contact person for the office or event who can contact us for services as opposed to telling the Deaf person to try to find the form on our website. We want to make the process as easy as possible for the Deaf person. 

For semester-long requests, students use the same content management portal as all of our other disabled students. In the system (we use AIM) they simply click on the option to use interpreting in the classes they want and we do the rest.


Our employee accommodations recently moved over to HR. It's unclear what their process will look like, but it will likely be a separate employee request form.

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by Roberto Santiago - SFSU


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