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Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies have made the transition from high school to vocational training, college, and the workforce a priority for students with disabilities, including deaf youth. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that at least 15% of each state VR agency’s federal budget be reserved and expended to provide education and training specifically designed for students with disabilities to prepare them for postsecondary settings, known as Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS).
However, our research shows that fewer deaf youth receive Pre-ETS compared to youth with other disabilities.
Pre-ETS is designed to help students explore their career interests and postsecondary options, while traditional VR services focus on achieving specific employment goals. Together, these services form a continuum of support that empowers students with disabilities to navigate their educational and career pathways effectively, ensuring they are well-prepared for successful transitions into postsecondary education and the workforce.
The Purpose of Pre-ETS
The purpose of Pre-ETS is to:
- Help students with disabilities transition from school to postsecondary education or employment.
- Provide opportunities for practicing workplace readiness skills through real-world work experiences.
- Support exploration of postsecondary training options, leading to recognized credentials and meaningful jobs.
How to Access Pre-ETS
Deaf students, generally ages 14-21, can access Pre-ETS services through their local VR agency. To begin the process, contact the nearest VR office to inquire about eligibility and available resources. Transition-age deaf students, including those with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 plan, or any documented disability, are likely eligible. Once eligibility is confirmed, students can participate in various Pre-ETS activities tailored to their individual needs and career aspirations. You can find more information in our Plan Your Future: A Guide to Vocational Rehabilitation For Deaf Youth, as well!
Core Pre-ETS Services
The following are the five core Pre-ETS services, example applications, and NDC resources that may be helpful for each:
Job Exploration Counseling
Job Exploration Counseling helps students assess their skills and interests. Activities can include conducting interest assessments and exploring various career fields via workshops or informational interviews with professionals.
Examples & Resources:
Work-Based Learning Experiences
Work-Based Learning Experiences provide students with hands-on experience in real work settings. This can include internships or job shadowing opportunities to gain insight into specific industries.
Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities
Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities guides students in exploring higher education options, including colleges, trade schools, and vocational programs. This can include campus tours and informational sessions about different postsecondary institutions.
Examples & Resources:
Workplace Readiness Training
Workplace Readiness Training equips students with essential skills for the workplace. This can include conducting training sessions on resume writing, interview techniques, and professional communication.
Examples & Resources:
Instruction in Self-Advocacy
Instruction in Self-Advocacy empowers students to advocate for their needs in educational and employment settings. This can include providing workshops on understanding rights and responsibilities, or role-playing scenarios for effective self-advocacy.
Examples & Resources:
- Student Advocacy Toolkit
- Decide, Act, Believe: How to Assess and Empower Self-Determination in Deaf Youth
- Deafverse World 1 Resources
- NTACT: Instruction in Self-Advocacy
Pre-ETS Vendors and Partners
Partners and vendors who provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) can play a crucial role in providing more culturally relevant services for deaf youth as they explore career interests and postsecondary options. While each state has its own specific process for becoming a VR vendor, the process is very similar.
To get started:
- Review State Requirements: Check the specific requirements and procedures for your state to become a Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) partner.
- Prepare Your Proposal: Develop a detailed proposal outlining your services, how they align with the needs of deaf youth, and your qualifications as a provider.
- Submit Your Application: Follow the application process set by your state VR agency to become an approved vendor. (For example, see Maryland and Texas).
For more detailed guidance, refer to the CRP Pre-ETS Guidebook, which offers strategies for community rehabilitation providers looking to collaborate on Pre-ETS initiatives.
VR Partner Models
There are several strategies that VR partners can use to provide pre-ETS services:
- Contracting with school districts
- Establish a CRP statewide contract
- Provide services through a CRP fee-for-service (bill per student per service)
For example, learn more about how Maryland School for the Deaf works with VR to provide pre-ETS to deaf youth in the state.
Get Resources and Customized Support from NDC
Reach out to us for personalized support to boost Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for deaf youth in your area. We’ll partner with you to tackle challenges, spark solutions, and ensure deaf students get the tools they need to thrive—like exploring careers, building workplace skills, and gaining confidence to stand up for themselves. As VR pros, you’re already making a difference, and we’re here to help you level up! Let’s create awesome opportunities for deaf youth together. Contact us to get started!