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I talk with a lot of hearing friends now, they’re so happy now – “Now I can text you! Now I can FaceTime!” Amazing! So exciting! Now technology – fantastic. When I was in college – not like this. Much…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
When I enter into the patients’ rooms to do evaluations, assessments and physicals for diagnoses or when developing treatment plans, I have an interpreter in the exam room with me. I place the interpreter behind the patient, rather than by…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
My father owns a construction company and has worked in construction my whole life. Growing up, there were always a lot of tools in the garage. I wanted to use those tools to make something on my own and show…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
After I was done with my grad program I had a tough time finding work. I sent out about 40 different job applications. I never once got a response, no matter a huge corporation or a small business it made…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
People may say, “You can’t do this because you’re Deaf. Typically, that kind of statement would cause someone to shut down. They would accept that statement as fact, then find some job that allows them to get by and pay…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
I believe art is another way of communicating with the world. Art is communication without words. I can communicate all parts of my background through my art….
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
When I was a little bit younger, it was a little bit difficult to be open with my condition, So I notice now that if I just go straight out, tell them, “Hey, this is the condition I have. I…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
Even deaf people make assumptions that I either teach ASL or work in the tech industry. When I say, “Um… No, I work in the outdoors industry” they are thrown off. It’s obvious they haven’t met many other deaf people…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
“During college, did I ever think I would end up in this type of job? No, to be honest. My goals were directed toward biology, so it’s still related.”…
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
I’m a graphic designer for TV and film. I am a member of the ADG which is the Art Directors Guild here in Los Angeles and I work in Hollywood….
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
I wanted to get involved in medicine, because I noticed when I was little that a lot of people didn’t provide accommodations for deaf people….
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Topics: #DeafSuccess
Growing up in my family, my parents were on my side all the way through school. When I was down, my mom and dad would encourage me that I could get through it. To look at the big picture and…
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Type: Resources
Resource Type: Videos
Topics: #DeafSuccess

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