2024-2025 Coordinating Disability Services for Deaf Students in Postsecondary Settings​ Survey

Attention Disability Services Professional!

Are you a postsecondary disability services professional, and coordinate services for deaf students at your institution? Consider taking our 15-minute research survey!

Disability service coordinators play an important role in ensuring access for deaf students to stay on track and successfully complete their program. We invite you to share your experiences providing services to deaf students. Your shared perspectives will serve as an update from our previous findings and allow us to identify further areas of improvement in facilitating deaf postsecondary success.

If you or your institution need assistance understanding and implementing accommodations for deaf college students, please contact our team for assistance at help@nationaldeafcenter.org.

For more information, contact the lead researchers: Jeffrey Levi Palmer, PhD (jeffrey@nationaldeafcenter.org) & Carrie Lou Bloom, PhD (carrielou@nationaldeafcenter.org) at the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, University of Texas, Austin. 

This study has been approved by The University of Texas at Austin Institutional Review Board. Download our consent form here.

If you’re currently experiencing challenges at your college, we’re here for you!

Visit our Tips for Disability Services Providers Playlist for tips and resources or contact our Help Team today to get more help.

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National Deaf Center