Deaf People and Vocational Rehabilitation: Who Is Being Served?

The image is a poster titled "Deaf People and Vocational Rehabilitation: Who Is Being Served?" There is also a clipart of multiple variety people.

Video Description/Transcript

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) services are designed to support disabled people in their pursuit of employment goals. VR provides vocational assessment and evaluation, transition skills development, on-the-job training, career counseling, and postsecondary education and training to reduce labor force disparities. In 2017, VR agencies across the nation received 569,530 new applications and served 975,359 people, leading to 175,458 improved employment outcomes. Of those people who applied for VR or received services in 2017, 7.9% were deaf.

This research brief provides insight into the characteristics of deaf people who have applied for or received services from VR agencies. The data can be used to inform recruitment efforts, identify gaps in populations being served, and better understand who is being served in the United States.

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