Tips for Deaf Students: Planning Your College Visits

Jul 15, 2022

Full video description:

Video Description:

Sarah is a light complected woman with short brown hair, she is wearing a gray t-shirt with flowers on it and brown pants. She is standing outside in a courtyard next to a tall tan building with white pillars, and next to various foliage.


Visiting colleges can help you make smart decisions about where to apply and attend.

Video Description:

The screen fades into blue, Sarah reappears in the courtyard next to a tan building and outside seating.


You may need to schedule an interpreter. If you schedule a tour online, schools often have a comment box where you can explain your access needs for the tour.

Video Description:

The screen fades blue and Sarah reappears.


During the visit, try to figure out if the campus is deaf-friendly. Ask questions like:

Video Description:

Screen fades blue, Sarah reappears next to building windows and rocks.


What kind of support for deaf students is there on campus?

Video Description:

The screen fades blue, Sarah reappears, walking through the building breezeway


How do deaf students get involved in campus activities?


The screen fades blue, Sarah reappears in front of a building and railing


 Can I contact deaf students who attend this college?

Video Description:

The screen fades blue, Sarah reappears in front of a tall building with windows and surrounded by various foliage.


You should also look for tutoring and support services and clubs or organizations for disabled students.

Video Description:

The screen fades blue and Sarah reappears in a courtyard in front of a tan building and outside seating


Visiting colleges is a great way to learn more about different schools.

Video Description:

The screen fades blue, white, and green. With a white box in the middle with purple text, “Tips for Deaf Students” and a purple box directly under it with white text, “Planning Your College Visits”

End of Accessibility Document

Subtitles available in English

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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Topic(s): Signbites
Type of Resource: Videos

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