Remote Services Poster

This image shows a Large circle with green background with an illustration of a Monitor screen with a vertical line in between, a hand sign gesture on the left side, and four vertical lines on the right side. Also, there is an illustration of a person viewing the monitor. Below the circle, there is the text " Remote Services"
Deaf students enrolling in colleges across the country are on the rise and securing access services can be difficult for institutions. Remote interpreting and speech-to-text services are viable options for institutions experiencing: shortages of qualified providers, specific interpreting or captioning needs for a course, or last-minute requests for urgent situations. Remote services can be a beneficial supplement or a mainstay way of providing access for students in a variety of situations. Institutions must have the knowledge necessary to evaluate requests, resources to arrange services, and the infrastructure to maintain quality and effective services.
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Topic(s): Remote Services
Type of Resource: Guides

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