NDC Sneak Peek

Jun 26, 2017

Get a sneak peek of what’s coming in the new year!

Video description: a teal background presents; white text fades into the center, reading: “Education and training are important for deaf people.” The word “important” is in cursive. Transition to a video displaying books; a graphic appears, displaying a pie chart: 48% deaf people employed. “Employment Rates” text appears on top of the pie chart. Transition into another video showing graphs with “Employment rates increase with education and training” as the title. Bar graph displays content: 20% High School/GED degree, 30-40% Some college degree, 50% Bachelor’s Degree, 60% Master’s Degree+ Higher. Next title appears: “But fewer deaf people receive bachelor’s degrees” against a video showing graph papers being moved around. Flow chart appears displaying two groups: 70% Deaf with Bachelor Degree versus 100% General Population with Bachelor’s Degree. A bigger text with bracket shows a 30% education gap. “We want to change that” (white text on teal background, “change” is in cursive.) A slow-motion video of a young Latina lecturer signing “change” fades in and fades out. Following the video is a classroom with an interpreter visible next to a presenter. Transition to a teal background with white text reading “Watch the full video on January 1st at”. Below in black text is “nationaldeafcenter.org!”. Video finishes with the NDC circle logo; inside the circle, there is a teal-colored swirl going downwards into a wavy lined lime green bowl. Underneath the logo, black text reads “National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes”

© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes

Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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