Deafverse World One, Badge 5: How do you teach others about being deaf?

Feb 11, 2020

Video description:

Text, Hall Monitor. A woman signs.
How do you teach others about being deaf?
People will ask me if I’m deaf. They show disbelief and confusion when I say that I am, because they can hardly believe it. They tell me, I don’t look like a deaf person. So I ask, what does a deaf person look like? I challenge them in a way that makes them think. Not to insult them– that is not the goal. The goal is to connect, not destroy all hopes of connection.
A woman signs.
I learned that when I meet a new person, I have to educate them about me. I am a deaf person. I’m sensitive and I need full access to information.
A woman signs.
It seems odd, but many people don’t want to admit that they were discriminated against for fear of looking bad. Then they have to find the right person to inform, but because of other people’s biases, the tendency is to brush it off. I’m learning. I’m still learning how to handle discrimination in my interactions.
Text: Deafverse, National deaf center dot org

© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes

Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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