Feb 11, 2020
Visual description: https://tinyurl.com/qo2ode7
Text: NATURAL LEADER. A cartoon robot cat speaks.
How can you improve your classroom experience?
A woman signs.
My accommodations vary depending on the class. If the class is lecture based, with the instructor speaking the whole time and no discussion at all, I use speech-to-text transcription because so much centers around the vocabulary, which is very important.
A man signs.
The note taker’s purpose was to be able to keep up with what the teacher was saying. I didn’t have to avert my eyes down to the paper. Having the note taker allowed me to attend to the interpreter during class. After class, the note taker would give me all of the notes. And if I had any questions, I could go from there.
A woman signs.
I set up a microphone on the table. The teacher presses a button to talk into the mic so that the transcriber can hear and type what’s said.
A woman speaks.
And then I’ve also started receiving CART, or real time captioning, and that’s been pretty helpful overall. I have CART, and I have an interpreter present in the classroom at the same time. I learn the best. I get the most out of my class.
A woman signs.
The deaf community is a wide spectrum of people with needs that are different. One can’t assume that everyone will require the same accommodations.
Text: DEAFVERSE, national deaf center dot org
© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International