#DeafSuccess: Sachiko Flores, Conservation Advocate

Apr 19, 2019

[Subtitles available in English & Spanish | Subtítulos disponibles en español y inglés]

Video description found here: https://tinyurl.com/yxe8r2yt

[Begin video description.


A young woman sits near rows of tall red shelves stacked with books. She has olive skin and short dark hair. She wears vintage brow-line style glasses, a pale blue jumper and has a thin burgundy patterned scarf bunched loosely around her neck. She uses sign language to communicate.


Even deaf people make assumptions that I either teach ASL or work in the tech industry. When I say, “Um… No, I work in the outdoors industry” they are thrown off. It’s obvious they haven’t met many other deaf people who work in the outdoors.


TEXT: Sachiko Flores conservation advocate


Where are the job opportunities? Sitting in an office all day is not my thing. I prefer to be outdoors, active and exploring.


Fingers run across a map. A hand turns a key in the ignition of a car. Khaki sandaled feet work the foot pedals. A hand shifts gear. A blue hatchback has a laden luggage rack. A long stretch of empty dirt road bends towards some small hills. A fast montage of different scenery.


I have an undergraduate degree in wildlife and fishery sciences. I then went on to earn my Master’s degree in International Development. I went straight to work in the Conservation Corps. They claim to be inclusive because they had checked all the right boxes, but there is so much more to inclusion than that. That’s when it hit me. I realised there was a real lack of knowledge out there, so I founded my own non-profit organisation that would be inclusive and provide access to get deaf and hard of hearing

people involved in the outdoors.


Groups of people wear safety helmets and work in forested and grassy areas. Sachiko and another man wear yellow safety helmets and muddy clothes. They fist bump.


Life isn’t always what you expect, right? But it’s all a part of your life’s journey. Those experiences build up on each other so you can become who you are today.


TEXT: #DeafSuccess (white text in teal banner)

Sachiko looks thoughtful as she rides in a car and brushes the end of a pencil against her lips.

A circular logo has a green flower-like leaf and bud in the centre. Black text beneath it reads: nationaldeafcenter.org End description]

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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