State Leaders Share Ways to Increase Access to Services for Deaf Youth

This image is of a screen capture from a video conference happening between Thirty-seven people.

The transition from high school to further education, training, or career is a pivotal time for young people. Marginalized groups – including deaf students – are especially vulnerable during this time, and access to services is critical to ensuring success.

State leaders in deaf education, vocational rehabilitation, and other areas vital for #DeafSuccess met online on Jan. 12 as part of the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes’ Engage for Change | state initiative.

8 Essential Resources for VR Success with Deaf Youth During COVID-19

a boy communicating with another person

NDC has a wealth of online VR resources just a click away, to boost deaf success during the pandemic (and beyond). These are the “essential eight” — the most useful, evidence-based assets every VR counselor needs right now — in a checklist format for easy implementation with deaf clients.

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National Deaf Center