State Leaders Share Ways to Increase Access to Services for Deaf Youth

This image is of a screen capture from a video conference happening between Thirty-seven people.

The transition from high school to further education, training, or career is a pivotal time for young people. Marginalized groups – including deaf students – are especially vulnerable during this time, and access to services is critical to ensuring success.

State leaders in deaf education, vocational rehabilitation, and other areas vital for #DeafSuccess met online on Jan. 12 as part of the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes’ Engage for Change | state initiative.

New NDC Guide Helps Deaf Youth Get Jobs, Training, and More from Vocational Rehabilitation Services

This image is taken in a classroom close to the writing board. The picture is of a woman wearing a brown jacket with a few books in her hands. There is a thick book and it's written as " Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills" on the backside of the book.

Plan Your Future: A Guide to Vocational Rehabilitation For Deaf Youth, a new resource from the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC), helps deaf youth and their families know what services are available, figure out who to contact, and gather the right information to ensure they get the most out of their state’s VR services. The guide is available in English, Spanish and ASL. [Disponible en español]

La Nueva Guía Del Centro Nacional De Sordos (NDC) Ayuda A Los Jóvenes Sordos A Obtener Trabajo, Capacitación Y Más Con Los Servicios De Rehabilitación Vocacional

This image is taken in a classroom close to the writing board. The picture is of a woman wearing a brown jacket with a few books in her hands. There is a thick book and it's written as " Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills" on the backside of the book.

Planifique su Futuro: Guía de Rehabilitación Vocacional para Jóvenes Sordos”, es un nuevo recurso del Centro Nacional de Sordos sobre Resultados Postsecundarios (NDC), ayuda a los jóvenes sordos y a sus familias a saber qué servicios están disponibles, saber a quién pueden contactar y a reunir la información adecuada para que se aseguren de aprovechar al máximo los servicios de VR del Estado en el que se encuentran. Esta guía está disponible en inglés, en español y en la Lengua de Señas Americanas. [Read in English]

Vocational Rehabilitation During COVID-19: A Live Online Discussion for Transition Professionals

This image shows a woman sitting in front of a laptop and making a note in a notebook. She is wearing a yellow shirt and has short hair. She looks happy and smiling.

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies nationwide have faced many challenges in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as they strive to support deaf people’ access to Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), vocational training and employment.

Now, VR staff and community rehabilitation providers (CRPs) can gather in an online discussion to share challenges and success stories. NDC is offering two live panels on two different dates to choose from. The content will be the same for each date; we ask people to register for only one date.

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