Engage for Change | state 2021 Regional Meetings Focused on the Challenges and Successes of Life During a Pandemic
Engage for Change | state (EFC) program at the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) brought leaders in education and vocational rehabilitation (VR) together to collaborate on successful strategies to achieve #DeafSuccess at the state level during these difficult times.
Using Dialogue to Promote #DeafSuccess in Your Community
Building relationships within your community takes time and intentional efforts. That’s why dialogue is key to building #DeafSuccess and a strong and inclusive community that serves all its members.
The National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) has been facilitating community conversations, which included state leaders across the country, to help grassroots and local leaders strengthen community connections and build systemic change through dialogue.
State Spotlight: South Carolina Shows Deaf Students New Roads to #DeafSuccess
Deaf students across the country are constantly being underestimated, and working against stereotypes that lower their expectations. In fact, low expectations is one of the root causes for the achievement gap between deaf and hearing people.
In State Spotlight: South Carolina, learn more about how the state combats those expectations by connecting deaf students with positive role models.
State Leaders Share Ways to Increase Access to Services for Deaf Youth
The transition from high school to further education, training, or career is a pivotal time for young people. Marginalized groups – including deaf students – are especially vulnerable during this time, and access to services is critical to ensuring success.
State leaders in deaf education, vocational rehabilitation, and other areas vital for #DeafSuccess met online on Jan. 12 as part of the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes’ Engage for Change | state initiative.