Disability Employment, #DeafSuccess, and How You Can Help

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, NDEAM. This year’s NDEAM comes at a time of great uncertainty for many. Due to COVID-19, the past two years of work life have looked very different. In March 2020, the country went on lockdown. Some of us were fortunate enough to work remotely from home, others were laid off temporarily, and some are still looking for jobs.
State Spotlight: Idaho Wins $55K Impact Grant to Establish a Food Truck Operated by Deaf Youth

The Engage for Change | state (EFC) team from Idaho is known for being a model for others. Now, thanks to a partnership that includes funding from one of the nation’s biggest food companies, they are taking that to the next level as they prepare deaf youth for success after high school.
Employment Report Shows Strong Labor Market Passing by Deaf Americans

Unemployment in the United States recently hit a 49-year low. However, the strong U.S. labor market is passing by hundreds of thousands of deaf Americans, according to findings of a new employment report by the National Deaf Center.