Sarah Brown Awarded for Staff Excellence by the University of Texas at Austin

Published on August 3, 2020

This image is of a woman named Sarah Brown. She is wearing a dark blue denim jacket with a black top inside. She is wearing a smartwatch and has long brown hair.

In recognition of her impact and distinction, Sarah Brown received the 2019-2020 Staff Excellence Award from The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Education, in which the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) is based.

Nominated and evaluated by their peers, Staff Excellence Award winners must demonstrate a high level of collaboration, cooperation, and communication, an impact upon the university, and consistent performance above and beyond expectations.

As Access Coordinator at NDC, Brown is a certified American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter who has more than 20 years of experience in interpreting and access coordination within the deaf community.

“This is a wonderful and well-deserved honor for Sarah, who is instrumental to NDC’s success,” said Stephanie W. Cawthon, PhD, NDC director and professor at the College of Education. “She plays a part in nearly every meeting we organize or resource we produce, seamlessly managing our interpreters, captioners, and ASL and Spanish translators. Sarah’s positive attitude, attention to detail, collaborative spirit, and high standards are irreplaceable.”

When she’s not coordinating with multiple colleagues, vendors, and teams at NDC who work remotely across four time zones, Brown lives in Austin, Texas, where she is the mother of deaf and hearing children and is a proud new grandmother.

“This award was an unexpected surprise. I thank everyone who made it possible,” said Brown. “It reminded me yet again why I consider it such an honor to work at NDC among an amazing group of excellent people and leadership.”

The Staff Excellence Awards at the College of Education recognize up to three outstanding staff members each year. It includes a $1,500 award, certificate of excellence, and lunch with the dean.

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