Learn Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success in New Three-Hour Online Course

Published on August 13, 2020

This image shows four individuals who appeared to be looking at a computer screen and have a smile on their faces. The are three women and one man in the image. All are casually dressed.

A deaf student enrolled in your class, arranged their accommodations, and is ready to learn. Is your teaching plan ready to maximize their learning — as well as the diverse learning styles of a modern college classroom?

It can be with Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success, a new self-paced professional development course available in the free online learning library of the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC).

In just three hours, postsecondary faculty can learn how to design an accessible and equitable learning environment, reduce barriers to engagement, and cultivate a community of learners who succeed.

Access is More Than Accommodations

Over 200,000 deaf and hard of hearing students attend colleges and universities in the United States. Yet “begrudging tolerance” was what many encountered in the classroom and on campus, according to NDC’s nationwide report about college accessibility. It’s an issue that is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Simply providing a basic level of accommodations does not guarantee that deaf students have full access to the broader learning environment. As a result of this and other factors, research shows deaf people are less likely to complete an associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate degree.

Why Instructional Strategies Matter

Instructional strategies in the classroom are essential to adjusting attitudes and communications on campus — two critical components of accessibility and successful outcomes for deaf college students.

In three one-hour modules, Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success uses evidence-based research, real-world examples, and useful resources ready for immediate implementation.

  • Module 1 explores classroom spaces and how to integrate and support accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, speech-to-text services, assistive listening devices, and note-taking.

  • Module 2 addresses how to create a community of learners by using accessible teaching strategies and ensuring student engagement.

  • Module 3 focuses on teaching tips and implementing the strategies to strengthen learning experiences.

Unlike many other professional development opportunities that address working with the deaf community, this is a deaf-centered course. Created by the deaf-led team at NDC, it includes compelling student experiences from deaf people who explain firsthand the impact of their learning environments — highlighting the nuances that are essential to remember when working with a diverse deaf population.

Earn Professional Development Credits for Free

Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success is free and open to all. It is a self-paced professional development online course designed for postsecondary and secondary educators, transition counselors, interpreters, and anyone interested in learning about accessible learning environments. With a passing score of 80% or above, participants receive a certificate of completion and can submit it for 0.3 RID CEUs.



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