Learn How Assistive Listening Systems Can Help Your Deaf Students

Published on May 26, 2022

Duotone Teal background. Bottom text: "What are Assistive Listening Devices?". Top Right corner: Person with ALD stands with red frequency waves emitting from the device.

Refresh Your Knowledge of Assistive Listening Systems to Better Serve Deaf Students on Your Campus!


This webinar has been cancelled.

We regret to inform you that our webinar on Assistive Listening Systems scheduled for May 26th from 1:00-2:30pm CT has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions or need technical assistance with assistive listening systems, please reach out to our Help Team: [email protected]

In the meantime, you are encouraged to review our Assistive Listening Systems 101 guide and check out our Accommodations 101: Assistive Listening Systems video here.

Most environments are not designed with deaf people in mind – assistive listening systems can help! In education settings, deaf students may choose personal hearing systems like hearing aids, cochlear implants or BAHAs as effective tools to support communication.

Understanding the range of systems available is important to effectively serve deaf people who use amplification devices on your campus. Selecting the most effective system is no easy task, and a number of factors should be taken into consideration. Disability Service Professionals need to know how to gather information from students to identify the best assistive listening systems for their individual needs.

The National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) is hosting a two-part webinar with Dr. Sarah Sparks on May 26 at 1:00pm CT designed to help strengthen your understanding of assistive listening systems. Dr. Sparks will give an introductory presentation where participants will learn the fundamentals of assistive listening devices and gain the knowledge essential to making informed decisions about accommodation options for deaf students. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and facilitated discussion to answer additional questions from participants.  Sign up today!

Event Details:

Dates and Times: May 26 at 1:00 -2:30pm CT

Presenter:  Dr. Sarah Sparks

  • Interpreters and real-time captioning will be provided for all events.

  • For additional access requests please email: [email protected] at least 3 business days prior to the event.

  • RID CEUs will be provided for eligible attendees.

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