Get the Ins and Outs of Accommodations on NDC’s New Accommodations 101 Page

Published on June 18, 2021

An illustrated classroom with diverse students using a variety of accommodations.

Accommodations are not one-size-fits-all, and are as varied as deaf people themselves. But that doesn’t mean that finding the right combination of accommodations needs to be difficult or confusing.

The National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) has launched a new Accommodations 101 page to help disability services professionals, educators, employers, and deaf people understand all aspects of accommodations.

Learn About Types of Accommodations, How to Determine Accommodations, and More

The new page provides information about accommodations and various situations that may require accommodations.

Learn about:

  • Commonly used types of accommodations, what they are and when they should be used.

  • Legal obligations and responsibilities for institutions and people.

  • How to use accommodations in online classes, foreign language classes, music classes, and more.

  • What accommodations might be needed for healthcare majors, during events and activities, and for internships and fieldwork.

  • When dual accommodations might be appropriate.

  • Frequently Asked Questions about accommodations.

Learn from Deaf People and Their Experiences

The Accommodations 101 guide contains several videos featuring deaf people telling about their experiences applying for and using various accommodations in school and at work.

These videos provide a personal view that helps keep deaf people at the center of the conversation, and serve as a reminder that the deaf person should always lead the discussion about what accommodations to use in any given situation.

More from NDC

NDC offers hundreds of free resources to help anyone who is working with, teaching, or just getting to know a deaf person, as well as for deaf people who want to better understand their rights.

Dive deeper with NDC’s free, online learning library, browse frequently asked questions, or get individualized help from the NDC | help team. To stay current with NDC’s resources and more, sign up for the newsletter or listserv.

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Tags: accessibility, accommodations

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