Engaging Our Communities

Published on March 25, 2021

This image shows people hurdling together in a circle and placing one of their hands on another person's hand.

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Hello from NDC! It’s official: we have been navigating life with COVID-19 for nearly a year. It’s often said, “you don’t always appreciate what you have until it’s gone.” This feels very real right now, especially as we all hit what’s being called the “pandemic wall.”

But one thing that has stayed with us over the past year is the importance of relationships. To make real change, we must engage with the communities we serve. We must ask ourselves:

  • How can we strengthen relationships with our communities?

  • How can we support community work to improve outcomes for deaf people?

  • How can deaf people take the lead in decision-making?

We invite you to join us in this important engagement effort. NDC has recently launched several new resources to help you invite, connect, and collaborate with your communities — particularly historically marginalized communities.

There is power in community. Together we can achieve more.

In gratitude and service,

Carrie Lou Garberoglio, PhD | Director

Tia Ivanko, MA, NIC, ADAC | Associate Director

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