Course Categories: Systems Analysis

NDC offers a variety of free online learning opportunities to support the postsecondary success of deaf students. Earn professional development clock hours by completing one of our modules or dig deeper and enroll in one of our facilitated courses. Individuals who take classes with NDC | learn will be able to view real stories shared by deaf people across the country, discuss concerns and challenges with others, and learn from national experts. Information on all of our current courses is available on our Canvas Catalog.

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thumb_PSC23_Lore Kinast_Using Data
PD Clock Hours: 1
Data and dialog are two essential tools for addressing inequities within the college environment. Data...
Two male presenting adults in bright neon yellow safety jackets and safety goggles are sitting side by side in front of a complex computer system with many wires
PD Clock Hours: 1
Providing deaf students opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom to career settings...
Black history month celebration of diversity and African culture pride as a multi cultural celebration.
PD Clock Hours: 1
Data can help prioritize and identify the biggest needs in our community or help us...
This image is a screenshot from a video conference between two women. Below their image, there is a logo of NDC & below that the text " Centralized Systems That Promote #DeafSuccess at Schools and Universities"
PD Clock Hours: 1
While more than 200,000 deaf students attend colleges nationwide, many colleges and universities are often...
This is a square image. The image is divided into four quadrants. The Top Left section has a green background and on that, there is the text " NDC LIVE PANEL for Deaf People, By Deaf People: Centering Deaf People in System Change. December 8 - 3 pm CT. Top Right section there is a close-up image of a man wearing a black suit with a blue shirt, He is Bald and has black ear studs. In the bottom left section, there is a close-up image of a woman with curly brown hair. The bottom right section has an image of a man wearing sunglasses, a grey t-shirt & a cap. There is water in the background.
PD Clock Hours: 1
This upcoming live event panel is an opportunity for panelists to learn directly from the...
This is a rectangular image. On the Top left, there is the Logo & Text of the National Deaf Center on Post Secondary Outcomes. Below that, there is a blue background & in that, there is the text " Deaf People Leading the Way". On the right side, there is an image of a person with short hair, wearing eyeglasses & blue dotted shirt. The person's name is Diego Guerra.
PD Clock Hours: 1
Decisions are made every day about deaf people’s lives without involving deaf people. This needs...
A collage featuring hundreds of variety people.
PD Clock Hours: 1
Are you committed to improving programs and services for deaf people using a systems lens?...
A close up picture of a classroom full of students working on something on their desks.
PD Clock Hours: 1
Deaf people are highly diverse in language usage, identity, race, ethnicity, and in terms of...
The image appears to show a teacher in front of a whiteboard giving a presentation to a group of people.
PD Clock Hours: 1
Understanding root causes is an important step for moving beyond temporary solutions to address the...

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National Deaf Center