#DeafSuccess: Tanya Arriaga, AcroYoga Teacher

Apr 2, 2020

[Subtitles available in English & Spanish | Subtítulos disponibles en español y inglés]

Video description: https://tinyurl.com/vqncdmv


Tanya sits in a kitchen as she speaks. Her brown hair is highlighted, long and wavy. She wears a light purple short sleeve button up shirt with pinstriped ruffles down the middle. She sits next to a kitchen island with a dark black and tan granite countertop. She continues to speak:


When I was a little bit younger, it was a little bit difficult to be open with my condition,

So I notice now that if I just go straight out, tell them, “Hey, this is the condition I have. I can’t see. I can only see what’s in front of me. It’s called Usher’s Syndrome. It’s a hearing and vision loss.


Tanya is flying on a base with a man under her supporting her as he lifts her up using his legs. Text appears towards the left reading “Tanya Arriago. AcroYoga Instructor.” Tanya continues to speak:


And I was able to find a job. I was usually stressed out with trying to get around and everything was just fast-paced.


Tanya sits crosslegged on the floor with her back up against the man in the grey tank top who also sits crosslegged. She lifts up one arm and circles it back to slide it down against the side of the man’s torso as the man does the same thing to her in the opposite direction, showing a twist with one person facing one way and the other facing the opposite, backs still remaining against each other. Tanya’s voice speaks as a voiceover.


So during that time, I was doing what I loved to do. That’s when I learned, started learning about AcroYoga.


Tanya signs to the people in the studio sitting on the ground in front of her. Some are in the same groups from earlier clips. Some are standing along the wall. The man in the grey tank top stands next to her as he faces her and looks towards the rest of the people as she signs.

The video switches to a side view of Tanya as she steps back, looking down and signing “try” towards someone. We see two groups in the background practicing free bird in acroyoga, lifting up on the bases feet in plank form.

The video switches to a side view of an older white man in black sunglasses, a grey/green baseball cap, a green short sleeve polo, and grey pants with white tube socks. He sits with his legs straight in front of him and feet on the knees of the tall man in the blue shirt as that man sits cross legged. Both men hold hands and the older man pulls back and the man in the blue shirt leaves forward. Two more men are doing the same in the back, one is the man with the red shirt and grey baseball cap worn backwards, the other is in a black shirt and black shorts w/ a neon yellow stripe down the side. Tanya’s voice speaks as a voiceover.


So I took training, got my certification in yoga…


Tanya is standing and looking at someone off screen as she signs “group”. Many people are reflected in the mirror behind her including the man in the red shirt and hawaiian print short, the asian woman in the sports bra, the man in the orange shirt, the blonde woman with the red flannel shirt. The man in the grey tank top stands next to Tanya and looks off screen in the opposite direction.

A close up view of an FM system which has a grey case and a black keypad. It hangs on thick black straps around Tanya’s neck. Tanya is wearing the purple ruffled shirt and holds the FM system up to show the camera. Tanya’s voice speaks as a voiceover.


… and during that training, I used the FM system and that helped a lot.


A photo of Tanya standing and smiling at the camera. Her hair is pulled back and she wears a grey long sleeve top. The FM system is around her neck and a microphone is clipped to a white thin strap (tank top or bra strap).

Tanya pulls a FM system attached to an armband up her arm. The microphone is clipped to her blouse.

A back view of Tanya’s head back in the studio as she bounces towards the man in the grey tank top. Her pony tail swings around as she turns in a different direction.

Tanya holds up a piece of her FM system which is grey, and continues saying as she waves the device around and looks at it. Tanya’s voice speaks as a voiceover.


Whoever is talking would use the microphone.


She turns to a pile of other devices and pieces of her FM system which is on the counter next to her.  Tanya’s voice continues as a voiceover.


So there was a lot of physical activity involved.


An older deafblind man in the green polo short sleeve stands, holding onto with a man’s wrists as he crouches down and moves his arms up.

A woman with curly hair in a braid is standing with her arms out to the side like a T. She is crouching down as the blond woman in the red flannel shirt uses protactile on the back of her left shoulder. Next to her is the deafblind woman in the pink shirt doing the same pose. A tall woman with light skin, dark hair, and purple and tan patterned leggings reaches out to touch the woman with curly hair’s arm. In the background are other participants standing and looking off in different directions including a white woman with blonde hair, purple t-shirt, and pink patterned athletic shorts and another white woman with a light brown bob, pink hoodie, teal shirt underneath, and black capri leggings.

An image image of the white man in the green shirt and CI flying on a base with the same people around him support him as he lifts off.

Tanya is sitting wide legged on the floor with the man in the grey tank top doing the same but facing the opposite direction. Their shoulders touch back to back. Both have their hands on their thighs.

Tanya stands closely in a group of people. Next to her is a white individual with short grey hair and a teal t-shirt. We also see the back of another white female with brown hair tied in a ponytail. Tanya is signing something with both hands up and fingers pointing upwards.


The ProTactile informed me that, they let me know, okay, there’s a person in front, three persons beside you. I think the ProTactile is wonderful. I think that’s going to be very helpful for me. It already is.


Tanya watches a group of people do another activity. The activity is of the girl with curly hair standing with her arms crossed over her chest, hands on opposite shoulders in the middle of a circle of people which consists of the deafblind woman in pink shirt, a blond woman in a purple t-shirt with white text reading “DeafBlind Camp of Texas” and a design of an armadillo and patterned shorts with a set of car and house keys hanging from the back, the tall white woman with black tshirt, and another individual who is not easily seen. The woman in the middle falls forward, keeping her feet right where they are and not moving, and is passed around in the circle by each person.

The voiceover continues as Tanya is smiling and looking around at different groups of people. There is a group in the background along with another group in the foreground that is blurry. Individuals in this group seem to be four males, one older with glasses and red shirt, one wearing a hearing aid with brown hair, one in the grey baseball cap worn backwards, and one in an orange t-shirt. Tanya clasps her hands together and looks very happy. Tanya’s voice continues as a voiceover.


So I love this profession because you get to meet so many people, and you get to work with others, and it’s a fun activity that everybody could experience and get involved in.


Tanya is standing next to the woman with curly hair and uses protactile to communicate with her. Tanya is smiling while the woman looks down.

Tanya is in the middle of three people as they are pushing her around. One is the man in orange shirt who appears to be deafblind. One is the man in the grey tank top. One is an older bald man in a blue t-shirt. We see more people reflected in the mirror in the back, the man in the grey baseball cap, the man with the large U.S. flag on his shirt, and the man with the Hawaiian print shorts.

Tanya is standing with her hands both in the thumbs up sign butted together so the inside of the thumbs face together. She moves her hands up to demonstrate an activity two people sitting on the ground need to follow. The two people are the man in the orange shirt and the man in the Hawaiian print shorts. They sit with the backs against each other, knees bent with feet on floor, and arms hooked with each other and must attempt to stand up without letting go of each other. An interpreter kneels down next to them and signs “Stand”. Two people, the man with the CI and green shirt, along with a white female in a denim shirt and black leggings are doing the same activity as the two men described previously are. Other people are in various stages of the activity or standing around. Directly behind Tanya is an older man with grey hair, black eyeglasses, grey tshirt, and green pants, grey socks and a camera on a strap around his neck, he walks past Tanya.

The video switches a close up of two people, the man in the green shirt and CI and a white individual in a brighter green shirt and black leggings, sitting wide legged on the ground. Their feet seem to be pushing against each other and they hold hands with each other with their arms crossed where right hands hold and left hands hold. They lift up one arm and come into a side bend. In the foreground is the woman with curly hair sitting.  We also see the man in the orange shirt. Tanya’s voice continues as a voiceover.


So now I am teaching AcroYoga, doing something that I’ve always loved to do. And I enjoy what I do now.


Tanya is flying on a base with the deafblind older man in the green polo supporting her with one hand on her arm and one hand on her back. Behind him is the tall man in the blue shirt. Behind Tanya is the man in the green shirt and CI also supporting her. The background shows the man in the Hawaiian print shorts looking off in one direction. Next to Tanya is the back of the woman with curly hair facing the tall woman in the black shirt. Tanya is smiling and staying still.

Tanya is sitting crosslegged on the floor with her back to the man in the grey tank top who is sitting the same way. The background shows other sets of couples doing the same pose including the individual with short grey hair and teal tshirt, a woman with brown hair tied back in a ponytail wearing all black, the deafblind woman in pink tshirt, the woman with curly hair, the blond woman with red plaid shirt, and other people standing so we just see legs, pink pattern shorts, white capris, dark grey shorts. Tanya signs “center” as white text appears superimposed over the center of the screen. The text reads “#deafsuccess” with “success” in bold. The text is on top of a teal parallellogram block.

The background image fades to white while the “#deafsuccess” text remains. The voiceover finishes with Tanya speaking


“Look forward to my dream.”


The “#deafsuccess” text fades. The video transitions to an animated graphic of the teal and green NDC logo being formed on a white background. The logo moves up to reveal black text reading “National Deaf Center” with “on Postsecondary Outcomes” in small letters underneath. The entire logo moves to the left. A long teal line forms down the middle and text on the right appears reading “This video was developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, OSEP #HD326D160001. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.” Underneath, three logos appear. The first reads “IDEAs that Work” with an arrow drawing a circle from “IDEAs” to “Work” and the words “U.S. Office of Special Education Programs”. The second logo shows a red-and-blue star with text next to it that reads “TA&D”. The third logo shows a blue circle around a tree. In the blue circle are the words “U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.”

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© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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