#DeafSuccess: Dr. Chris Moreland, Physician

Jun 13, 2019

[Subtitles available in English & Spanish | Subtítulos disponibles en español y inglés]

Video description found here: https://tinyurl.com/unr2oc8


A man with red blond hair and a short goatee beard, wearing slim rectangular glasses and a dark blue business shirt with a matching striped tie, sits beside a computer desk. The desk is otherwise neat and bare, apart from a couple of family photos. There are multiple framed diplomas on the wall. He begins to sign.


Today in the healthcare profession, any field is possible for deaf people. We have deaf people who are in the operating room, working in radiology, and delivering babies.


A green frame surrounds his face, with the text – “Chris Moreland, medical doctor.” In the corner of the screen there is a logo with a green bowl and a shape resembling a plant seedling, with the text – # Deaf Success.

Then, video of Chris in a white coat entering the room and sitting down to work at the computer. Embroidered text on the breast of his coat reads – “Christopher Moreland, MD, MPH. General and Hospital Medicine.”


I work at UT Health, San Antonio.

I had to decide whether or not I would disclose that I was Deaf during the application process. I had to put a lot of thought into my essay. From my resume or CV, it was pretty clear that I was Deaf. My research interests, and the community I was involved with, implied I was Deaf.

I decided to disclose that information, explaining that that means I am intrigued with communication and therefore look forward to working with patients. I tried to tie my Deaf identity with my career goals. I was nervous about that, but apparently it was a successful approach, as I was accepted for several interviews.


Chris walks down a white tiled corridor and opens a door with his name on the wall beside it. Then, working at a laptop in his office.


“What do you do about a stethoscope?” Really, is that a fair question? Were my colleagues asked that question when they applied for medical school? Who asked them how they would use a stethoscope? That’s the point of medical school. That’s when we are supposed to learn how to best accommodate and examine the patient. The technology we had back then cannot compare to what there is today. There are many more options.


Chris sits in the office, wearing his white coat, opposite another man. He signs, including a gesture to his upper arm that resembles a blood pressure cuff.


The healthcare world is changing. Medical educators are becoming more open to include deaf and hard of hearing people in our field. The workforce is becoming more diverse, which benefits everyone, and benefits the patients as well.


Chris walks confidently down the white tiled corridor. Text: # Deaf Success.

Then, the green logo of the plant shoots sprouting from the bowl, with the URL – national deaf center dot org.

Below, three smaller logos – Ideas That Work, with an encircling arrow, TA and D Network, with a blue and red six pointed star, and Department of Education, with a golden branched green tree.

Text: “This resource/poster/publication/website was developed under a jointly funded grant through the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, OSEP, and the Rehabilitation Services Administration, RSA, #H326D160001. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the federal government.”

Do you have questions? Email us at: [email protected]

© National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Video licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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